Introducing the New 5th Edition AP Economics Curriculum
In this webinar, teachers will be able to:
- View the changes made to CEE’s AP Economics publications.
- Have their questions answered about the new AP Economics Publications.

This video is available to view for EconEdLink members only.
The webinar will focus on the following:The major changes in the fifth edition are outlined below:
● Activities are now included after each lesson, instead of being added to the back of the curriculum.
● Content is reorganized using the 2022 AP Course and Exam Description.
● Lessons have been broken down into shorter, easily managed sections that include more visuals.
● A new Supply and Demand unit was created to better organize the lessons surrounding these crucial microeconomic concepts and supplemental activities have been added to increase student graphing practice.
● Bell Ringers have been updated to provide thought-provoking student-friendly openings for each lesson.
● Multiple Choice Questions have been removed from the Student Workbook so teachers can use them for quizzes and tests without student prior knowledge.
● New lessons have been added in response to CED content ○ International Trade and the Effects on Supply and Demand. ○ Supplemental activities for Graphing Supply and Demand ○ Decisions to Enter, Produce, and Exit a Market ○ Socially Efficient and Inefficient Market Outcomes