Search Results for: TAXES

Showing 111 - 120 out of 243 results

6-8, 9-12

A Fair Wage

Income for most people is determined by the market value of the productive resources they sell. What workers earn depends, primarily, on the market value of what they produce and how productive they are.


Why Are Some Nations Wealthy? | Lesson Demo

This video is a classroom demonstration of Lesson 43: Why Are Some Nations Wealthy? from CEE's Capstone Exemplary Lessons for High School Economics publication. In this lesson, students work in groups to examine data from several nations regarding size, natural resources, and population. Usi…


Compound Interest

In this personal finance lesson, students will compare simple and compound interest on savings.


Increasing Productivity

This lesson stimulates students' thinking with stories about rigorous athlete training illustrating the importance of training and practice. After students read the story, they will experiment to see how instruction and practice improves their ability to make an origami dog.

6-8, 9-12

The Entrepreneur Video

Teach your students about the benefits of being an entrepreneur. In this video a young woman starts her own business cleaning garages and does so well that she is able to expand her business. CEE's Entrepreneurship Economics publication introduces students to entrepreneurship through a reso…


How Will I Pay for College?

In this lesson, students will learn about current trends in student borrowing and determine a reasonable debt load for hypothetical students. College costs have escalated over the past two decades, and more and more students are relying on student loans to cover the costs.  Therefore…