Professional Development

The Council for Economic Education offers free professional development training wherever you are. Watch a webinar for a minimum of 45 minutes and you will receive a certificate of completion within 24 hours. Click here to learn how to use our webinars for professional development hours.

Webinars for
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663 of Total Webinars

The “Not So Great” Depression

This webinar demonstrates how popular works of historical fiction, set during the Great Depression, can be used to teach economic...
Key Concepts: Business Cycles, Employment and Unemployment, Scarcity

How to Play the Fiscal Ship

In this economics webinar, teachers will explore ways students can grapple with federal budget choices as they play a game.
Key Concepts: Budget Deficits and Public Debt, Fiscal Policy

Growth Mindset

This presentation challenges teachers and leaders to clearly define what we believe about learning and students because beliefs always impact...

Economics in Space?

Stretch the limits of your students’ thinking beyond planet earth as we answer the question: who should pay for asteroid...
Key Concepts: Public-Choice Analysis, Roles of Government

UFR Using Fiscal Ship

How do you balance the federal budget and reduce the deficit? This game is a fun way to teach students...
Key Concepts: Budget Deficits and Public Debt, Fiscal Policy