Grades 9-12
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Students will be able to:
In this economics activity, students will compare fairness, self-interest, and greed.
This individual activity requires students to examine the concepts of fairness, self-interest, and greed and how they relate to the decision-making process. In general, people want to be treated fairly, even though they are motivated by different incentives. Further, when making decisions, it is often necessary to balance that sense of fairness with other factors influencing human behavior. Read students this statement: Every person who makes more than $500,000 in annual income should be required to donate at least 5% of their income to charity. Then, allow students to respond to the statement with either the Quizizz Activity or ReadyAssessments Activity.To complete this activity, students should follow the directions below:
Grades 9-12
Grades 6-8, 9-12
Grades 6-8, 9-12
Grades 9-12