Grades 3-5
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This lesson begins with students visiting a web site that gives them practice in counting money. The second site goes one step further in that students are given opportunities to make change for make-believe purchases.
This lesson begins with students visiting a web site that gives them practice in counting money. The second site goes one step further in that students are given opportunities to make change for make-believe purchases. Then students examine old and new quarters comparing and contrasting the designs. After a brief discussion of the United States government, mint, the third site shows close-ups of the newly designed quarters and provides more information about the United States mint and its work.
The student activities which close the less United States mint, or revisit money web sites for more practice.on allow boys and girls a chance to design a new quarter for their own state, to create a game using fun facts about the
Activity 1
Discuss: Everyone is a consumer of goods and services and should be a wise user, a wise consumer. Such consumers manage their money efficiently. We all need to know how to recognize coins and bills, count them correctly, and make change accurately. Locate the https://www.abcya.com/games/learning_coins site where students can practice coin recognition and addition skills. Group your students appropriately in order to ensure success.
Activity 2
The second site, https://www.funbrain.com/games/change-maker , uses up-to-date coins and bills for counting change for imaginary purchases. Three levels are available. Determine which level (easy, medium, or hard) should be assigned to members of your class.
Activity 3
Continue the lesson by looking at actual coins in the familiar style of quarters. Remind students that throughout history changes have been made in the money we use-changes in our change. Share the new quarters from Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. Ask students if they can determine why THESE states had their quarters designed first.[achieved statehood first]
Activity 4
For a closer look at the new quarters, go to the https://www.usmint.gov/learn/kids/coins-and-medals/50-state-quarters . After comments from students about the new quarters, ask if they'd be interested in seeing when the quarter from your state was released. Check at https://www.usmint.gov/learn/coin-and-medal-programs/50-state-quarters .
Next time you are counting money or making change, look for the new quarters.
Grades 3-5
Grades 9-12
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Grades 3-5
Grades K-2, 3-5