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Banks, Bankers, Banking

Students will demonstrate understanding of the processes associated with banking by role- playing as customers, tellers, and guards.
Key Concepts: Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments, Demand, Economic Institutions…

When Gas was a Quarter!

Why do things cost so much more now than they used to? Students will find out about inflation in the...
Key Concepts: Employment and Unemployment, Fiscal Policy

Clean Land - Thanks to US!

In this lesson about the EPA, students will find out that their government pays for goods and services by taxing...
Key Concepts: Market Structures, Roles of Government
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Why Work Now?

Why do people work so hard? Why aren't you just assigned a job that you are interested in and get...
Key Concepts: Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments, Division of Labor/Specialization, Goods and Services

Making Sense of the Census

The United States takes a Census every 10 years. How does the country use those statistics?
Key Concepts: Roles of Government

What Are Incentives?

Students will understand that incentives are used to encourage them to make good choices. After identifying incentives offered at home...
Key Concepts: Choice, Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis, Incentive

Old Toy - New Market

Students explore the LEGOLAND theme parks and demonstrate an understanding of how new markets can be created and that cultural...
Key Concepts: Goods and Services, Markets, Profit

Ben & Jerry's Flavor Graveyard

Ben & Jerry are producers of ice cream. Even if they produce ice cream for the entire nation, they still...
Key Concepts: Choice, Entrepreneurs, Productive Resources…

Lemon Squeeze - The Lemonade Stand

Everyone has at one time or another opened a lemonade or Kool-Aid Stand. What a great place to begin an...
Key Concepts: Demand, Markets, Markets and Prices

Inventive Incentive

There are many ways in which people are rewarded or penalized for doing, or not doing, their work. These are...
Key Concepts: Choice, Incentive

From Butterflies to Buffaloes

Nature tourism, also known as ecotourism, is a fast growing segment of the tourism industry. In this lesson, students learn...
Key Concepts: Goods and Services, Markets, Producers…

Making Cents out of Centimes

Students will learn that most countries create their own currency for use as money. In most of Europe that money...
Key Concepts: Foreign Exchange

The Mystery of the Amazing Farmers

In this lesson you will be taking on the role of an an investigative reporter to solve the Amazing Farmer...
Key Concepts: Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments, Division of Labor/Specialization, Goods and Services

US History: Inventors & Entrepreneurs

Students will learn the difference between inventors and entrepreneurs. From talking with adults they will learn some of the benefits...
Key Concepts: Consumers, Entrepreneurs, Incentive…