Grades K-2
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The lesson begins with an introduction to the use of polls in political campaigns. The students are introduced to the term “margin of error”. The students participate in a sampling game in which they try to predict the proportion of chips in a bag that are red. The students learn how margin of error is calculated. The lesson concludes with a reading on questions to ask about a poll.
Any major election in the United States is preceded by extensive campaigns. The campaigns generate media coverage, which usually include polls that try to predict the outcome of the election. Every poll is a sample of the voting population, and because of this, every poll has a margin of error. However, the concept of margin of error is often misrepresented in the media. To properly interpret what a poll is saying, the concept of margin of error must be understood.
POLITICAL CONCEPTS: Polling, Sampling, Margin of Error
Margin of error = 1/√n
(.98/√n is also used. The equation above provides an easily calculated approximation.)
Note: The number of draws in this lesson (16) is not enough to be considered “large” in a statistical sense. However, 16 draws are enough to demonstrate the principles of the lesson and generate varied results.
Margin of error = 1/√16 = 1/4 = .25 (= 25%)
Confidence interval = estimate ± margin of error = 50% ± 25% (or 25% to 75%)
The margin of error is 25 percentage points. In this example, the poll resulted in 50% red, so the confidence interval for their poll is from 25% to 75%.
Group | # Red | % Red | Confidence Interval |
A | 10 | 63% | 38% to 88% |
B | 10 | 63% | 38% to 88% |
C | 11 | 69% | 44% to 94% |
D | 12 | 75% | 50% to 100% |
43 |
(Note: If the percentage drawn is higher than 75%, the confidence interval will have an upper end higher than 100%. This is due to the fact that the margin of error formula is simplified for this lesson. If a higher number than 100% is generated, just put 100%, noting that is the highest possible value. Similarly, if the percentage drawn is lower than 25%, then put 0% for the lower end of the confidence interval.)
For 4 bags, 64 draws: Margin of error = 1/√64 = 1/8 = .125 or about 13%
For 9 bags, 144 draws: Margin of error = 1/√144 = 1/12 = .083 or about 8% )
Note: The following procedures are based on “20 Questions A Journalist Should Ask About Poll Results,” an article written by the National Council on Public Polls, an association of polling organizations. Its mission is “to set the highest professional standards for public opinion pollsters, and to advance the understanding, among politicians, the media and general public, of how polls are conducted and how to interpret poll results.” The article is found at http://www.ncpp.org/files/20%20Questions%203rd%20edition_Web%20ver_2006.pdf .
“How do you prefer for city council, the untrustworthy John Laurence or the wonderful Jane Muggles?”
While extreme, tell the students this illustrates that how a question is asked matters. In fact, merely rearranging the order of the candidate choices or questions has been shown to influence the results.
Ask the students:
(No. In the activity in this lesson, it is possible (though unlikely) that the students may draw all red chips – meaning that the actual population proportion is well outside the margin of error. What can be said is that with a 95% confidence level, on average, the actual value will lie within the confidence interval generated using the margin of error for about 95% of the polls conducted.)
(About 1,000 people.)
A good reference on this topic is:
Two references on margin of error and its derivation:
Grades K-2
Grades K-2, 3-5
Grades 9-12
Grades 3-5, 6-8, 9-12