Grades 3-5
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Students explore the LEGOLAND theme parks and demonstrate an understanding of how new markets can be created and that cultural and social differences can affect these markets.
Have you ever played the board game, Monopoly? Did you know it’s over 65 years old? Even though it is an American toy, it is now sold in 80 countries and translated into 26 languages. Another toy that’s been around a long time are LEGOs. This toy, developed in Denmark, is also a worldwide favorite. There are now LEGO theme parks, known as LEGOLANDS. After this lesson, you will see how the LEGO Company and Parker Brothers (who produce the Monopoly game) expanded their markets.
[Note: It would be helpful to have some actual LEGOs on hand to demonstrate their building properties. Students might be challenged to think how other markets are impacted by related products such as Harry Potter, Star Wars, and Toy Story.]
The students should complete the questions in the activity below.
Grades 3-5
Grades 9-12
Content Partner
Grades 3-5
Grades K-2, 3-5