Search Results for: math and economics

Showing 1 - 10 out of 20 results

3-5, K-2

Using Children’s Literature to Teach Elementary Math and Economics

Discover how picture books can give your classroom an instant boost by combining literature, math, and economics to teach activity-based lessons.  The provided lessons and activities enhance learning, promote critical thinking, and build problem solving skills.  Featured books include classi…
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Behavioral Economics – Why Are We So Impatient?

COMPELLING QUESTION: Why do people tend to procrastinate when it comes to doing things that are good for them? Students observe a “mind” that tries to decide whether to exercise or not. They see how discounting can change a person’s intended choices and actual choice…

3-5, 6-8

Work, Earnings, and Economics: “Lyddie” by Katherine Paterson

This updated lesson is based on the novel, Lyddie, by Katherine Paterson. Set mainly in Lowell, Massachusetts, in the 1840s, 13-year-old Lyddie Worthen, works six days a week, from dawn until dusk, running weaving looms in a murky dust-and lint-filled factory, trying to save enough money to…

3-5, K-2

Women in STEM using Picture Books

Women's History Month Series: Learn about picture book biographies of STEM innovators to inspire outside of the box thinking.
On-Demand Webinar


Inflation and Unemployment – Is There a Correlation?

Updated! Perfect for an integrated economics and math or technology lesson. Students use Excel to create scatterplots, regression line equations, and correlation coefficients (r) for inflation and unemployment data from the 1980s, 1990s, and the 2000s. This lesson is suitable for Algebra I…