Standards for Behavioral Economics: Negotiating Prices and The Anchoring Effect

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National Standards in Economics

Name: Decision Making

Standard: 2

  • Students will understand that: Effective decision making requires comparing the additional costs of alternatives with the additional benefits. Many choices involve doing a little more or a little less of something: few choices "are all or nothing" decisions.
  • Students will be able to use this knowledge to: Make effective decisions as consumers, producers, savers, investors, and citizens.

Name: Incentives

Standard: 4

  • Students will understand that: People usually respond predictably to positive and negative incentives.
  • Students will be able to use this knowledge to: Identify incentives that affect people's behavior and explain how incentives affect their own behavior.

State Standards

Common Core State Standards

Name: RH.11-12.7

Standard: History/Social Studies -- Grade 11-12

Area: History/Social Studies -- Grade 11-12

  • Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., visually, quantitatively, as well as in words) in order to address a question or solve a problem.