In this session teachers will be able to:
- Learn about opportunity cost and the trade-offs involved in choosing one option over another due to limited resources.
- Understand the concept of scarcity and its impact on resource availability and the need to make choices.
- Explore the relationship between supply and demand, how it affects prices, and the quantity of lemonade available.
- Identify the productive resources needed to make lemonade, such as lemons, sugar, and labor, and understand their importance in the production process.

This video is available to view for EconEdLink members only.
On Thursday, July 20th, join us for a special K-5 Economics Content Day, where we will focus on teaching economics and personal finance to students in grades K-5. Our lead facilitator, Lauren Shifflet, will expertly guide you through a combination of lecture-style sessions and hands-on activities designed to help you effectively integrate these important topics into your classroom. The morning session, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., Use lemons to teach economics in your classroom. Teachers will explore the captivating world of economics through lemon-themed materials and children’s books. Discover how to teach concepts like opportunity cost, scarcity, supply and demand, and productive resources by incorporating engaging stories and activities. Gain access to a curated collection of lemon-themed lesson plans and leave inspired to make economics come alive in your classroom.