Grades 9-12
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In this economics webinar, learn how to use storytelling and mathematics to engage students in economics and financial literacy.
Learn to use storytelling as a means to engage students and create memories that tie Algebra and Algebra 2 content to personal finance and economics concepts Math topics include systems of equations, exponential and logarithmic functions, operations with polynomials and profit function, while Economics and Personal Finance themes covered will be supply and demand, basic taxes and checking vs. savings accounts. Make budgeting and financial decision making real by demonstrating the computations involved in responsible “adulting.”
Explore a variety of activities, lessons and resources that can be used in your classroom. Frame discussions around the economic challenges and benefits of goals such as opening a business, pitching a product to potential investors or determining the impact of certain financial decisions over the course of their post-college years. Activities may be built both in fantasy and reality, but all will help students develop an interest in understanding how our financial world works, the usefulness and application of Algebraic content learned in school, and how they can start planning and dreaming for their financial futures now.
Grades 9-12
Grades 6-8, 9-12
Grades 6-8, 9-12
Grades 9-12