Grades 9-12
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In this economics webinar, focus on essential concepts: why we can’t have everything we want, and what we give up when we choose.
Colorado has just revised its Economics and Personal Finance standards, and so let’s revisit some essential concepts that form the foundation of our decision- making for the rest of our lives.
Themes like choice, opportunity cost and scarcity have been in the news a lot the past few months due to the pandemic, yet we often focus on short- term gain at the expense of long- term costs. We will focus on the implications of foregone alternatives (for kids as well as adults) and demonstrate a variety of in-class and virtual lessons to help K -8 students make better decisions and understand what they are “giving up” when they find themselves having to make a choice.
Grades 9-12
Grades 6-8, 9-12
Grades 3-5, 6-8
Grades 6-8, 9-12