Grades 3-5
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Teachers will be able to:
-Effectively use videos and games to teach concepts in ways that increase engagement.
-Incorporate simple science of learning techniques to increase students’ long-term retention and comprehension.
This video is available to view for EconEdLink members only.
In this economics webinar, teach supply and demand via interactive games, videos, news articles and shifting curves software.
Strategically integrate current events to pique students’ interest about real-world supply and demand.
Teachers will learn fun and engaging ways to teach supply, demand, and equilibrium while also learning research-based best-practices that can be applied to future lessons. The presenter will model how to use games and videos as direct instruction tools while leveraging the latest learning platforms, as well as simple exit ticket strategies to increase students’ retention and transfer of knowledge. All resources will be freely accessible to teachers in easy-to-use, classroom-ready, Google docs, including answer keys.
Grades 3-5
Grades 3-5, 6-8
Grades K-2, 3-5
Grades 9-12