Grades 6-8, 9-12
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Teachers will be able to:
– Use online resources to maximize a classroom budget.
– Apply educator’s tax credits when filing taxes.
– Use additional resources from the Wells Fargo Educator’s Online Resource Center.
This video is available to view for EconEdLink members only.
In this personal finance webinar, learn how to maximize your expense savings and use tax credits to your advantage.
This webinar will focus on ways teachers can use tax credits and other means to maximize classroom budgets, in addition to exploring the Wells Fargo Educator’s Online Resource Center.
We want to also gather information and input from the audience to help us improve future content.
Grades 6-8, 9-12
Content Partner
Grades 3-5, 6-8
Grades 9-12
Content Partner
Grades K-2, 3-5