Search Results for: SPENDING

Showing 121 - 130 out of 187 results


The Grasshopper and the Ant

Understanding the concept of opportunity cost is critical for good decision making. The ability to identify the opportunity cost—the highest valued alternative that must be given up when another option is chosen—helps people to assess their alternatives.


How is Our Economy Doing?

Students learn the meaning and measurement of six important economic indicators and use the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank National Economic Trends website to assess the current state of the economy.


Income: It Ain’t Where You Start, It’s What You Got, and Where You End

This year's federal elections will involve electing a president, all members of the House of Representatives, and one third of the Senate. Barring some international crisis, economic issues appear likely to dominate the debates. In past elections, macroeconomic issues related to the b…


Party Platforms and Economic Issues

According to Gallup, Americans have considered the state of the economy "among the most important U.S. problems" since 2008. The issues frequently debated leading up to any presidential campaign include many economic issues such as improving the economy, how to reduce unemployment, the fe…

6-8, 9-12

Marketplace: Let’s Go Euro!

With the start of the new year in 2002, the 12 members of the European Union launched a single currency across their borders, replacing individual country currencies and singling out the Euro as their one shared monetary denomination. Marketplace, a daily economics news program heard …