Search Results for: SPENDING

Showing 181 - 187 out of 187 results

6-8, 9-12

Industrial Entrepreneurs or Robber Barons?

This lesson focuses on a group of nineteenth century industrial entrepreneurs described in many history books as Robber Barons. It calls upon students to analyze the activities of these entrepreneurs in order to draw conclusions about the innovations and business practices for which they …

6-8, 9-12

Continental Drift and Comparative Advantage

Combine your economics and geography lessons in this activity that has students reviewing continental drift and the continents of Laurasia and Gondwana as they trade goods and calculate comparative and absolute advantage.


Economic Data Lesson: Economic Policy Options

This is the final lesson in a series of lessons that introduces students to the economic data that economists use to assess the health of the economy. This lesson focuses on assessing the health of the economy using the content learned in the previous lessons, and introduces the role of mone…