Search Results for: TAXES

Showing 81 - 90 out of 167 results


How Will I Pay for College?

In this lesson, students will learn about current trends in student borrowing and determine a reasonable debt load for hypothetical students. College costs have escalated over the past two decades, and more and more students are relying on student loans to cover the costs.  Therefore…


Who Decides Wage Rates? | Lesson Demo

This video models Lesson 13 from CEE's High School Economics publication in the classroom. It discusses lesson objectives and provides pointers for teaching about how demand and supply for labor determine market wage rates and how wages depend, in part, on individual productivity.


The Economics of the Family Farm

Learn about the status of farming as a career, investigate the management of a family farm, and examine one recent farm crisis in this lesson. You'll need the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view some of the materials for this article.


Could Brooklyn hipsters help save the middle class?

Frozen ginger slushies, tea-based pro-biotic drinks, a bed bug-killing steam machine -- these are just a few of the locally-grown products coming out of Brooklyn’s burgeoning artisan economy. But as popular as these start-ups may be, are they generating more jobs? Economics correspondent P…

6-8, 9-12

Could You Earn a Million Dollars?

This lesson is designed to acquaint students with the relationship between earnings and education. The data are very clear regarding one’s earning potential and educational attainment. That is, the more education an individual has the greater his or her earning potential. This is an…


‘Be All You Can Be’…For Minimum Wage?

Perhaps you have seen the catchy TV ads for the various branches of the United States military. You know, the ones that tell you to "be all you can the Army!." In the last decade, these advertisements have become necessary because compulsory military service (otherwise know…


The 411 on College Education

One of the most important financial decisions people make is whether to go to college. The price tag of a college education is rising, but so are the benefits. In this lesson, students will begin by learning the relationship between level of education and the average unemployment rate; and l…