Search Results for: financial literacy

Showing 1 - 10 out of 13 results

K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12

Kate McKinnon talks money with kids. Fun with financial literacy!

Partner Content SNL's Kate McKinnon shows why it's so important that we talk money with kids. Beyond the laughs (and there are plenty) lies an important message: We need to teach our children money basics early-no joke. Check out for more ways to make your kid a money genius.


Medicare and the National Debt

In this economics lesson, students will discuss the value we place on guaranteeing quality health care to the elderly.


How to Use the Behavioral Economics Lessons

This note from one of our behavioral economics authors, William Bosshardt, Florida Atlantic University, explains how these behavioral economics lessons are linked together and where they can be used in the high school curriculum.