Search Results for: SPENDING

Showing 1 - 10 out of 164 results


Risky Spending and Teen Gambling

In this personal finance lesson, students review statistics about underage gambling,  listen to a podcast about teens getting hooked on sports betting,  give thumbs up or thumbs down to statements that they believe are gambling, and create a public service poster to alert their peers to the …


Government Spending: Why Do We Spend the Way We Do?

Students look at definitions for the three categories of federal spending and using the internet locate examples of each. They then categorize a list of expenditures as government purchases or transfer payments. Given federal budget data, students analyze the pattern of change that has…


Teach About Spending with “Bunny Money”

In this lesson, students listen to the story of Ruby and Max, two bunnies that go shopping and make many spending decisions. Students are introduced to short-term and long-term savings goals to help them save for goods they want in the future. After a goal-sorting activity, students choos…

6-8, 9-12

Budgeting Basics

This lesson uses a Better Money Habits video to reinforce budgeting concepts.


FRED and the Federal Budget Interactive Lesson

Students will use a Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED) data dashboard to calculate budget deficits, surpluses, how much federal budgets in certain budget years added to the total public debt, and gross federal debt as percent of GDP. Using the information they have collected, students w…


AP Macroeconomics – The Deficit and the Debt

This lesson supports the Inflation, Unemployment, and Stabilization Policies section of the Advanced Placement Macroeconomics course. It introduces government budget deficits and the national debt and analyzes the long-run effects of budget deficits on the economy. This lesson appears…