Phillip VanFossen
Phillip is a former high school and middle school economics teacher and coach, He was there at the beginning of EconEdLink, having written the first NetNewsLine lesson for the site. He has served as the Review Board Chair since 1999. He currently serves as the James F. Ackerman Professor of Social Studies Education, Director of the Ackerman Center for Democratic Citizenship at Purdue University, and Associate Director of the Purdue Center for Economic Education. He also currently serves as Interim Head of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at Purdue. His reserach interest is in how classroom teachers apply digital technology in their teaching. He has published widely in the area and in economic education generally. In addition, Phillip has traveled on more than 15 trips to half a dozen nations (primarily in Eastern Europe) to conduct economic education seminars.
Phillips says, "For more than a decade, EconEdLink has been the 'go to' place for comprehensive, technology-based lessons about economic concepts and content. With more than 600 lessons--developed using a three-step reviw process--that have been used by thousands of teachers and tens of thousands of students, EconEdLink is unique in the field of economic education."

Published Resources

'Be All You Can Be'...For Minimum Wage?

Underpaid Millionaires? The Economics of Major League Baseball

Economic Forecasting: An Internet WebQuest
