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Deceptive Advertising: Crossing the Line

Businesses use advertising to tell consumers about the goods and services they are selling. Businesses hope that their advertisements will...
Key Concepts: Advertising, Business Costs and Revenues, Economic Institutions…

A Moo-ving Experience

In this economics lesson, students will explore the purpose of nonprofit organizations.
Key Concepts: Economic Institutions

Unemployment and the New Deal

In this economics lesson, students examine the impact of the New Deal on unemployment.
Key Concepts: Economic Institutions, Roles of Government

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Comparing Savings Accounts

In this personal finance activity, students will use Mint to learn about savings accounts and interest.
Key Concepts: Economic Institutions, Saving
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Financial Institutions and Services

In this personal finance lesson, students will look into financial institutions to learn about personal investing.
Key Concepts: Credit, Economic Institutions, Saving

Economic Institutions Video and Quiz

In this economics video, students will learn about economic institutions and play a Kahoot! game.
Key Concepts: Economic Institutions, Economic Systems

Compound Interest Video and Quiz

In this personal finance video, students will learn about compound interest and play a Kahoot! game.
Key Concepts: Compounding, Economic Institutions, Interest

Economic Data Lesson: Economic Policy Options

This is the final lesson in a series of lessons that introduces students to the economic data that economists use...
Key Concepts: Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments, Business Cycles, Economic Institutions…

AP Macroeconomics - Net Exports and Capital Flows

This lesson supports the Open Economy: International Trade and Finance section of the Advanced Placement Macroeconomics course. This lesson introduces...
Key Concepts: Balance of Trade, Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments, Economic Institutions…

The Classroom Mini-Economy | Lesson Demo

Shanan Riegle, an award-winning teacher from Yorktown Elementary School in Indiana, shares tips for creating a mini-economy in the elementary...
Key Concepts: Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis, Economic Institutions, Entrepreneurs…

Business Plan Video

Teach your students about developing a business plan. In this video a young man uses a business plan to determine...
Key Concepts: Business, Entrepreneurs