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Competition in My Community

In this economics activity, students will compare the practices of two businesses in their community.
Key Concepts: Competition

Green Eggs and ...Economics?

In this economics lesson, students will learn key economic concepts found in children's literature.
Key Concepts: Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis, Division of Labor/Specialization, Market Structures

AP Microeconomics - When Markets Fail

This lesson supports the Market Failure and the Role of Government section of the Advanced Placement Microeconomics curriculum. Students need...
Key Concepts: Market Structures, Negative Externality, Roles of Government

AP Microeconomics - Monopoly

This lesson supports the Theory of the Firm section of the Advanced Placement Microeconomics curriculum. Students will learn in this...
Key Concepts: Demand, Market Structures

The 411 on College Education

One of the most important financial decisions people make is whether to go to college. The price tag of a...
Key Concepts: Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis, Division of Labor/Specialization, Market Structures

Competition and Market Structure Video and Quiz

This video teaches the concept of Competition and Market Structures. In the context of markets, competition refers to the situation...
Key Concepts: Business Costs and Revenues, Market Structure, Market Structures…

Income Distribution Video and Quiz

This video teaches the concept of Income Distribution. Income distribution refers to how the total income earned ends up divided...
Key Concepts: Budgeting, Consumers, Income Distribution…

Market Failures Video and Quiz

This video teaches the concept of Market Failures. There are certain well-recognized conditions under which market failure occurs; this means...
Key Concepts: asymmetric information, Externalities, Market Structures…