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Calculating Simple Interest

In this personal finance lesson, students will use I=P(r)(t) to calculate simple interest on a loan.
Key Concepts: Credit, Interest

How is Our Economy Doing?

Students learn the meaning and measurement of six important economic indicators and use the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank National...
Key Concepts: Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments, Credit, Employment and Unemployment…


Income Distribution

Students create an income distribution for a fictitious country to learn about quintiles. The interactive calculates the median and mean...
Key Concepts: Distribution of Income, GDP, Income Distribution


Credit Decisions Video and Quiz

In this personal finance video, students will learn about credit and play a Kahoot! game.
Key Concepts: Credit, Goods and Services, Interest

Appily Ever After Video

Ana has a big problem. She accidentally spent almost $100 on in-app purchases while playing on her favorite princess app....
Key Concepts: Consumers, Credit, Goods and Services

Professional Development

The Economic Way of Thinking - Video

In this video, Dr. Mark Schug explains how the "economic way of thinking" can help students understand U.S. History concepts....
Key Concepts: Choice, Credit, Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis…