Grades 9-12
Grade 3-5, 6-8
Opening a Restaurant
Students will be able to:
- Evaluate the use of scarce resources.
In this economics activity, students use scarce resources to plan the opening of a restaurant.
This is a group activity where students will use a list of scarce and plentiful resources available to create a new restaurant in one of the following formats: Quizizz, worksheet, or the ReadyAssessments Activity. Students must keep in mind the plentiful and scarce resources in the region. Plentiful resources: vegetables, fruit, grains, sugar, chocolate, fish, cheese, spices Scarce resources: beef, pork, or chicken. To complete this activity, students need to follow the directions below:
- You and your groupmates want to open a restaurant. When opening your restaurant, you must keep in mind the plentiful and scarce resources in the region.Plentiful resources: vegetables, fruit, grains, sugar, chocolate, fish, cheese, spices Scarce resources: beef, pork, or chicken
- Go to the Restaurant Creation Quizizz, worksheet, or complete the ReadyAssessments Activity.
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