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Economic Systems Video and Quiz

This video teaches the concept of Economic Systems. Economic systems can be categorized according to who makes most of the...
Key Concepts: Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis, Economic Development, Economic Institutions…

Money Video and Quiz

This video teaches the concept of Money. Money is anything that is used to buy and sell goods and services....
Key Concepts: Economic Institutions, Money, Trade, Exchange and Interdependence

Property Rights Video and Quiz

This video teaches the concept of Property Rights, which refers to the legal ownership of resources, including the right to...
Key Concepts: Economic Institutions, Economic Systems, Incentive…

Aggregate Demand Video and Quiz

This video teaches the concept of Aggregate Demand. Aggregate demand shows the total (or aggregate) demand for final goods and...
Key Concepts: Aggregate Demand, Business Cycles, Economic Institutions…

Aggregate Supply Video and Quiz

This video teaches the concept of Aggregate Supply. Aggregate supply shows the total (or aggregate) production of final goods and...
Key Concepts: Aggregate Supply, Business Cycles, Economic Institutions…

Inflation Video and Quiz

This video teaches the concept of Inflation, which is an increase in the average price level in the economy.
Key Concepts: Economic Institutions, Fiscal Policy, GDP