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Money is What Money Does

In this economics lesson, students will research the cryptocurrency Bitcoin to learn about the functions and characteristics of money.
Key Concepts: Money

Time Value of Money

In this economics lesson, students will learn how the value of money changes over time.
Key Concepts: Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis, Interest, Money

Do I Look Like I'm Made of Money?

In this economics lesson, students will learn the importance of money as a medium of exchange.
Key Concepts: Human Capital, Income, Money

Money Video and Quiz

This video teaches the concept of Money. Money is anything that is used to buy and sell goods and services....
Key Concepts: Economic Institutions, Money, Trade, Exchange and Interdependence

A New Coat for Anna - Barter and Trade

By reading the book "A New Coat for Anna" students will learn about resources and trade/bartering through a young girl,...
Key Concepts: Barter, Money, Resources