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Should I Join the Sweatshop Boycott?

In Lesson #8 of the "Ethics, Economics, and Social Issues" curriculum, students study primary sources to learn about the choices...
Key Concepts: Economic Development, Economic Growth

Can You Conduct Research Ethically?

In Lesson #2 of the "Ethics, Economics, and Social Issues" curriculum, students learn about positive and normative economics and how...
Key Concepts: Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis, Normative Economics, Positive Economics

Vincent van Gogh's 'Flower Beds in Holland'

Students study a painting by van Gogh called "Flower Beds in Holland". The students recognize that this farmer made a...
Key Concepts: Choice, Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis, Scarcity

Is Efficiency Ethical?

In Lesson #5 of the Ethics, Economics, and Social Issues curriculum, students role-play to understand both the power and limits...
Key Concepts: Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis, Marginal Analysis, Scarcity

No Extra Room on the Mayflower

The students will explore the ideas of scarcity and choices by exploring a virtual model of the Mayflower. They will...
Key Concepts: Choice, Scarcity

Voters and Elections

Updated with new data! Students identify costs associated with voting. Then they make predictions about who might be more likely...
Key Concepts: Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis

Content Partner


On this website, you can see how the frameworks and theories taught in class relate to real-world timely events.
Key Concepts: Employment and Unemployment, Fiscal Policy, Income Distribution

What Was a Dollar Worth?

In this personal finance activity, students will examine changes in the value of money over time.
Key Concepts: Financial Investments, Inflation, Money

Matching Goods and Services

In this economics activity, students will match key terms with the appropriate pictures.
Key Concepts: Consumers, Goods and Services, Producers

Comparing Pizza Prices

In this economics activity, students will explain the difference in price for two similar products.
Key Concepts: Markets and Prices

Stock Market Quiz

In this personal finance activity, students will define key terms related to the stock market.
Key Concepts: Financial Investments, Financial Markets