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Scarcity Video and Quiz

In this economics video, students will learn about scarcity and play a Kahoot! game.
Key Concepts: Economic Systems, Goods and Services, Scarcity

Money is What Money Does

In this economics lesson, students will research the cryptocurrency Bitcoin to learn about the functions and characteristics of money.
Key Concepts: Money

Every Penny Counts

In this personal finance lesson, students will evaluate wants and spending.
Key Concepts: Budgeting, Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis

Gross Domestic Product Video and Quiz

In this economics video, students will learn about Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and play a Kahoot! game.
Key Concepts: Aggregate Demand, Aggregate Supply, GDP

Just How Powerful is the Fed Chair?

In this economics lesson, students will learn about the powers of the Federal Reserve Chair.
Key Concepts: Federal Reserve, Interest, Monetary Policy

Exchange Rates: How Money Affects Trade

In this economics lesson, students will compute exchange rates to learn their impact on international trade.
Key Concepts: Markets and Prices, Trade, Exchange and Interdependence

NYSE Made Easy

In this personal finance lesson, students will make choices about buying stocks.
Key Concepts: Financial Markets

Time Value of Money

In this economics lesson, students will learn how the value of money changes over time.
Key Concepts: Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis, Interest, Money

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Lights, Camera, Budget!

In this economics activity, students answer personal finance questions to earn money to produce a movie.
Key Concepts: Budgeting, Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis, Financial Investments