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104 of Total Resources

Demand Video and Quiz

This video teaches the concept of Demand. Demand refers to a relationship between price and the quantity of a good...
Key Concepts: Consumers, Demand, Elasticity of Demand…

Markets and Prices Video and Quiz

This video teaches the concept of Markets and Prices. A market refers to a group of buyers and sellers for...
Key Concepts: Business Costs and Revenues, Demand, Market Structure…

Price Ceilings and Floors Video and Quiz

This video teaches the concept of Price Ceilings and Floors. A price ceiling is a legally established maximum price while...
Key Concepts: Demand, Markets, Markets and Prices…

Profit Video and Quiz

This video teaches the concept of Profit. Profit is income received for entrepreneurial skills or risk taking and is calculated...
Key Concepts: Business Costs and Revenues, Entrepreneurs, Market Structure…

Supply Video and Quiz

This video teaches the concept of Supply. Supply refers to a relationship between price and the quantity of a good...
Key Concepts: Markets, Markets and Prices, Price Ceilings and Floors…

Market Failures Video and Quiz

This video teaches the concept of Market Failures. There are certain well-recognized conditions under which market failure occurs; this means...
Key Concepts: asymmetric information, Externalities, Market Structures…