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Market Structures Activity

In this economics drag and drop, students will learn about the different types of market structures. 
Key Concepts: Competition and Market Structures

Keynes vs. Classical Tool

In this economics interactive, users will play a drag and drop interactive to find the difference between Keynesian theory and...
Key Concepts: Keynesian Theory, New Classical Theory

Comparative Advantage Interactive

In this economics interactive, students will be able to explore the benefits of specialization and trade. 
Key Concepts: Comparative Advantage

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Dinner Discussions at Maggie Walker's House

Students study historic objects, photographs and documents, research influential members of the African American community and role-play a dinner party...
Key Concepts: Banking, Decision Making, Entrepreneurship…

Curious George Economics

Use the lovable character Curious George to capture student attention while teaching about personal finance and economics.
Key Concepts: Goods and Services, Productive Resources, Saving…

Can You Allocate Ethically?

In Lesson #4 from the Ethics, Economics, and Social Issues curriculum, students work in groups to analyze allocation methods, apply...
Key Concepts: Allocation, Decision Making, Incentives…