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Productive Resources Video and Quiz

This video teaches the concept of Productive Resources. Productive resources are used to produce goods and services and are classified...
Key Concepts: Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis, Division of Labor/Specialization, Entrepreneurs…

Money Video and Quiz

This video teaches the concept of Money. Money is anything that is used to buy and sell goods and services....
Key Concepts: Economic Institutions, Money, Trade, Exchange and Interdependence

Incentives Video and Quiz

This video teaches the concept of Incentives. An incentive is a cost or benefit that motivates a decision or action...
Key Concepts: Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis, Economic Systems, Elasticity of Demand…

Economic Systems Video and Quiz

This video teaches the concept of Economic Systems. Economic systems can be categorized according to who makes most of the...
Key Concepts: Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis, Economic Development, Economic Institutions…

What is a Bond? | Lesson Demo

This video is a classroom demonstration of Lesson 5: What is a Bond? from CEE's Learning Earning and Investing for...
Key Concepts: Financial Markets, Goods and Services

What is a Stock? | Lesson Demo

This video is a classroom demonstration of Lesson 3: What is a Stock? from CEE's Learning Earning and Investing for...
Key Concepts: Financial Markets

Invest in Yourself | Lesson Demo

This video is a classroom demonstration of Lesson 2: Invest in Yourself from CEE's Learning Earning and Investing for a...
Key Concepts: Division of Labor/Specialization

Why Save? | Lesson Demo

This video is a classroom demonstration of Lesson 1: Why Save? from CEE's Learning Earning and Investing for a New...
Key Concepts: Compound Interest, Interest

Invest in Yourself

To explore the concept that people invest in themselves through education, the students work in two groups and participate in...
Key Concepts: Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis, Human Capital, Income

What is a Stock?

The students work in small groups that represent households. Each household answers questions about stocks and stock markets. For each...
Key Concepts: Budgeting, Financial Markets, Investing

U.S. Gross Domestic Product

In this interactive students will categorize statements, deciding if they should be included in the U.S. GDP or not.
Key Concepts: Fiscal Policy