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104 of Total Resources

Funny Money or Phony Money?

Money is what we use to show what goods or services are worth. When you do work, you are paid...
Key Concepts: Markets and Prices

Transportation: They Say We Had a Revolution (Part 1)

Advancements in transportation have played a key role in the growth of our nation. U.S.government policies have also had a...
Key Concepts: Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments, Benefits of Trade, Business Costs and Revenues…

What Happened to Railroads?

Between the Civil War and World War II, railroads were one of the nation's most important businesses and an integral...
Key Concepts: Business Costs and Revenues, Credit, Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis…

It's a Not So Wonderful Life

In this lesson students learn about banks and banking. The study the fractional reserve system, and the role the Fed...
Key Concepts: Economic Institutions, Markets and Prices, Money…

The Higher you Climb, The More You Pay

Students will take a "Virtual Tour" of the Eiffel Tower in Paris France and locate the price of a bottle...
Key Concepts: Choice, Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis, Demand…

The Price of Gasoline: What's Behind It?

In this lesson, students investigate the variables that contribute to the cost of gasoline. They learn that while OPEC nations...
Key Concepts: Demand, Division of Labor/Specialization, Goods and Services…

Was Babe Ruth Under Paid?

Updated with 2022 MLB information! This lesson demonstrates a method for teaching students about inflation and the Consumer Price Index,...
Key Concepts: Inflation, Markets and Prices

Why do we need money? Think about Ebay!

The students investigate money--its purpose and functions. They complete an exercise, using the online acution site Ebay, to learn why...
Key Concepts: Foreign Exchange, Markets, Markets and Prices…

Fad or Fortune

This lesson focuses on collectibles and how they retain, lose, or gain value. In each round of a trading simulation,...
Key Concepts: Business Costs and Revenues, Choice, Demand…

Collecting for Fun . . . and Profit?

Art, baseball cards, coins, comic books, dolls, jewelry and stamps are just a few examples of the many things people...
Key Concepts: Demand, Investing, Markets and Prices…