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Increasing Productivity

This lesson stimulates students' thinking with stories about rigorous athlete training illustrating the importance of training and practice. After students...
Key Concepts: Division of Labor/Specialization, Goods and Services


Take a look at how inventions, such as plastic, have changed our lives and how they are changing the future...
Key Concepts: Entrepreneurs

Do You Have a Yen to Go to College?

Carlos is a senior at local high school. When he graduates, he plans to study computer animation. He has applied...
Key Concepts: Choice, Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis, Foreign Exchange…

The Story of Jack and the Bank Stalk

Fairy tales have always been used to give lessons about life. The story of Jack and the Bean Stalk is...
Key Concepts: Credit, Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis, Economic Institutions…

US History: Inventors & Entrepreneurs

Students will learn the difference between inventors and entrepreneurs. From talking with adults they will learn some of the benefits...
Key Concepts: Consumers, Entrepreneurs, Incentive…

Bill, Are You Bogus?

In a barter system, people have to trade goods and services for other goods and services. In an economy that...
Key Concepts: Goods and Services, Money, Trade, Exchange and Interdependence

Old Business, New Business

In this lesson students are introduced to several businesses from the past. They see that, while the names for these...
Key Concepts: Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments, Business, Demand…

I Have No Money, Would You Take Wampum?

Through the use of folk tales, history, and the students' own experiences, students will recognize the inter-relatedness of goods, services,...
Key Concepts: Goods and Services, Money, Trade, Exchange and Interdependence

Economic Forecasting: An Internet WebQuest

Economics is often called the "science of decision making." The decisions that economists analyze range from personal decisions such as...
Key Concepts: Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis, Employment and Unemployment, Fiscal Policy