Unemployment Survey – Interactive
In this unemployment game, students will have to decide if a person is employed, unemployed or not in the workforce.
When you load the page, you’ll see an introduction to the “Unemployment Survey.”. Click the “Start” button to begin.
After clicking “Start,” you’ll be presented with a worker’s name and a job situation description. Read the situation carefully and choose the most appropriate answer: “Employed,” “Unemployed,” or “Not in the Labor Force.” Click the corresponding answer button to make your choice.
After choosing an answer, you’ll receive feedback on whether your choice was correct or incorrect. The counters on the right will keep track of the number of employed, unemployed, and not in the labor force workers based on your choices. The “Unemployment Rate” percentage will also be calculated and displayed.
After feedback, the next worker’s situation will appear automatically. Continue selecting answers for each worker until you’ve gone through all the scenarios.
Once you’ve answered all the questions, you’ll see a summary of your choices and the final statistics.
You can see the counts for each category and the overall unemployment rate.
If you’d like to play again, click the “Restart” button at the end of the survey.
This will reset the survey and allow you to go through the scenarios once more.
Unemployment Survey
Welcome to the Unemployment Survey interactive! Learn about job situations and test your knowledge.
Worker Information
Employed: 0
Unemployed: 0
Not in the Labor Force: 0
Unemployment Rate: 0%
Calculations: N/A
Interactive Finished!
Congratulations! You have completed the interactive.
Employed: 0
Unemployed: 0
Not in the Labor Force: 0
Unemployment Rate: 0%
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