Grades 9-12
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Students will be able to:
In this economics lesson, students will identify factors influencing wages.
Ask students if they have thought about what jobs or careers they would like to pursue after high school. Have them write down five factors that might go into determining their future wages. Tell them their answers will be used to work through a class discussion on how wages are set in the workplace.
Explain that “wages” is an economic term for income, and income (or wages) can vary greatly from one job or one career to another. Use the Wages and Me Slides 1-8 to review the factors determining wage rates with the following notes:
Group Activity
Tell students that having reliable information about wages is important, which is why the federal government has an agency called the Bureau of Labor Statstics whose purpose is gathering data about the labor market in our country. Explain that they will be viewing Facts on the BLS, a short video about the BLS and completing a group activity about the agency. After showing the video, put students into small groups and distribute copies of BLS Facts to each group. Review the instructions and give groups 10 minutes to complete the activity. Debrief the activity by having students share their answers with the class.
Individual Activity
Distribute the Exploring Career Options worksheet to each student, explaining they will have the opportunity to explore two careers in this assignment. Review the instructions, and briefly introduce the five web sites they will use to complete the assignment: Career OneStop; Interest Assessment; Skills Matcher; Interest Profiler and Occupational Outlook Handbook. Allow students 20 minutes to complete the activity. Ask them to share their career options and what they learned about them with the rest of the class. Debrief the activity by reminding students of these two points: 1.The forces of supply and demand are key to determining wage rates in our society. 2. Understanding what factors affect wages will help them make more strategic choices about their future occupations and maximize their potential income.
Have students write a short-response essay answering the following question: How will understanding the factors that influence wages help me make better career choices and have a more secure future? (Note: Accept a variety of answers. Full credit should be given to students who include the majority of factors influencing wages both from the perspectives of the employer and jobseeker.)
Activity 1
Show the CEE video on Productivity to emphasize the importance of productivity in the labor market. Have students complete the included Kahoot! Quiz to measure their understanding of the concepts.
Activity 2
Ask students to determine what people working in their city or one near them would need to earn to match the income of someone living in New York, New York; Los Angeles, CA; and St. Louis, MO. Have them explain the differences in wages and cost of living adjustments. Use the following web site to complete this activity.
Activity 3
Use the slides in the BLS Productivity 101 lesson to examine the the basics of productivity, how it is measured, why it is important, and how it influences wages.
Grades 9-12
Grades 9-12
Grades 3-5
Marginal Revolution University
Grades 9-12