Grades 9-12
Grade 3-5, K-2
On-Demand Webinar
Money Movers: Engaging Economics for K- 3: Vote with Your Feet, Get Out of Your Seat
Time: 60 mins,
Teachers will be able to:
- Explore how to teach age-appropriate, interactive lessons and activities based on the featured concepts.
- Gain access to resources with instructions on how to reproduce and apply game ideas.
This video is available to view for EconEdLink members only.
In this economics webinar, see activities designed to energize your students by getting them out of their seats and engaged!
These activities are designed to be used either as stand-alone lessons or as a comprehensive unit to teach a variety of economic content. Discover how to use the presented material for classroom instruction, after school sessions, English language learners, or Summer enrichment programs.
We will review basic economic concepts such as decision-making, resources/factors of production, specialization and interdependence.
Economics Related Resources
In this personal finance lesson, students review statistics about underage gambling, listen to a podcast about teens getting hooked on...
Key Concepts: Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis, Spending, Unplanned Spending
Grades 3-5
Watts Up With Electricity Prices?
In this elementary lesson, students focus on the economic concepts of price, goods, and services. Knowledge is applied by comparing...
Key Concepts: Goods and Services, Markets and Prices
90 mins or 2 - 45 min sessions
Grades 6-8, 9-12
Buying Electric Appliances - Watt You Need to Know
In this lesson, students learn about the importance of energy costs when considering household budgeting decisions. They also consider the...
Key Concepts: Budgeting, Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis, Opportunity Cost
60 mins
Grades 3-5
From Power Plant to PlayStation™: Electricity’s Journey from Producer to Consumer
In this elementary economics and science lesson, students learn how productive resources are combined to create electricity.
Key Concepts: Consumers, Human Capital, Productive Resources
45 mins