Grades 9-12
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Grades 6-8, 9-12
Test of Economic Knowledge
Grades 9-12
Test of Financial Literacy
Grades 6-8, 9-12
Test of Financial Knowledge
Grades 6-8, 9-12
Basic Finance Test
Grades 9-12
Can You Allocate Ethically?
In Lesson #4 from the Ethics, Economics, and Social Issues curriculum, students work in groups to analyze allocation methods, apply...
Key Concepts: Allocation, Decision Making, Incentives…
Key Concepts: Money Multiplier, Money Supply
Grades 9-12
Does Self-Interest Prevent Economic Justice?
In Lesson #7 0f the Ethics, Economics, and Social Issues curriculum, students explore basic ideas of justice by examing government...
Key Concepts: Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis, Incentives, Veil of Ignorance
Grades 9-12
A.P. Macroeconomics Practice Test
ReadyAssessments has sample questions to help your students practice for the AP Exams.
Grades 9-12
A.P. Microeconomics Practice Test
ReadyAssessments has sample questions to help your students practice for the AP Exams.
Key Concepts: Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis, Employment and Unemployment
Grades 9-12
Should I Join the Sweatshop Boycott?
In Lesson #8 of the "Ethics, Economics, and Social Issues" curriculum, students study primary sources to learn about the choices...
Key Concepts: Economic Development, Economic Growth
Grades 9-12
Do Businesses Have Social Responsibility?
In Lesson #6 of the Ethics, Economics, and Social Issues curriculum, students will participate in a simulation and discussion to...
Key Concepts: Business Costs and Revenues, Profit, Volunteering
Grades 9-12
Can You Conduct Research Ethically?
In Lesson #2 of the "Ethics, Economics, and Social Issues" curriculum, students learn about positive and normative economics and how...
Key Concepts: Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis, Normative Economics, Positive Economics
Grades 9-12
How Does Information and Ethics Impact Decision Making?
In Lesson #3 from the "Ethics, Economics, and Social Issues" curriculum, students will play the role of a medical professional...
Key Concepts: asymmetric information, Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis, Incentives
Grades 9-12
Is Efficiency Ethical?
In Lesson #5 of the Ethics, Economics, and Social Issues curriculum, students role-play to understand both the power and limits...
Key Concepts: Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis, Marginal Analysis, Scarcity