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Externalities Video Series and Quiz

In this economics video series, students will uses real-world examples to cover externalities and solutions to the problems they pose.
Key Concepts: Roles of Government

Economic Institutions Video and Quiz

In this economics video, students will learn about economic institutions and play a Kahoot! game.
Key Concepts: Economic Institutions, Economic Systems

Benefits of Trade Video and Quiz

In this economics video, students will learn about the benefits of trade using comparative advantage and play a Kahoot! game.
Key Concepts: Benefits of Trade, Comparative Advantage, Trade, Exchange and Interdependence

The Business Cycle Video and Quiz

In this economics video, students will learn about business cycles and play a Kahoot! game.
Key Concepts: Aggregate Demand, Aggregate Supply, Business Cycles

Scarcity Video and Quiz

In this economics video, students will learn about scarcity and play a Kahoot! game.
Key Concepts: Economic Systems, Goods and Services, Scarcity