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It's a Matter of Power

Students examine tradeoffs and profit- maximization decisions in the case study of Kaiser Aluminum, which decided to shut down aluminum...
Key Concepts: Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis, Incentive, Profit

What Does A Dollar Really Buy?

Students will describe the purpose of a price index, and how it is calculated. Then students will describe the weaknesses...
Key Concepts: Fiscal Policy

From Butterflies to Buffaloes

Nature tourism, also known as ecotourism, is a fast growing segment of the tourism industry. In this lesson, students learn...
Key Concepts: Goods and Services, Markets, Producers…

Comparative Economic Systems

Students research the economic systems of North Korea and Chad and compare them to the US, guided by questions and...
Key Concepts: Economic Systems

Making Cents out of Centimes

Students will learn that most countries create their own currency for use as money. In most of Europe that money...
Key Concepts: Foreign Exchange

Stock Market Price History

Each of us seek to make wise investment decisions that will make our money grow. Unfortunately, we cannot predict the...
Key Concepts: Fiscal Policy, Investing

Economics in the Headlines

Students learn how to identify headlines in the news and current events as illustrations of problems in supply and demand....
Key Concepts: Demand, Markets, Markets and Prices

The Shoemaker's Tools

After hearing the story, "The Shoemaker and the Elves," the students will find the capital resources of the shoemaker's business.
Key Concepts: Goods and Services

I Can Dream Anything!

After listening to the song, 'I Can Do Anything', students discuss services that people in the community perform. This lesson...
Key Concepts: Choice, Specialization

Human Capital For Money

The first part of this lesson introduces students to the terms human capital, occupation, salary, and wages. Part two of...
Key Concepts: Division of Labor/Specialization, Goods and Services, Specialization

Tricks for Treats

Students will recognize that people (and animals) will work for incentives.
Key Concepts: Choice, Incentive

The Mystery of the Amazing Farmers

In this lesson you will be taking on the role of an an investigative reporter to solve the Amazing Farmer...
Key Concepts: Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments, Division of Labor/Specialization, Goods and Services

A Fair Wage

Income for most people is determined by the market value of the productive resources they sell. What workers earn depends,...
Key Concepts: Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments, Budgeting, Business Costs and Revenues…