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Why is Globalization So Controversial? | Lesson Demo

This video provides an educator's perspective on teaching Why is Globalization So Controversial?, followed by a demonstration of the lesson...
Key Concepts: Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments, Benefits of Trade, Economic Institutions…

A New Coat for Anna - Barter and Trade

By reading the book "A New Coat for Anna" students will learn about resources and trade/bartering through a young girl,...
Key Concepts: Barter, Money, Resources


Can happiness be measured? Students will learn how utility relates to economic decision making and the law of diminishing marginal...
Key Concepts: Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis, Demand, Wants

How Much Does it Cost Now?

Students will use the FRED database to download the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and calculate the equivalent price of a...
Key Concepts: Fiscal Policy

Economic Indicators for Informed Citizens

Newly updated! This lesson introduces students to three basic economic indicators: real GDP, the inflation rate, and the unemployment rate....
Key Concepts: Consumer Price Index (CPI), Employment and Unemployment, Gross Domestic Product (GDP)…

Traditional Economies and the Inuit

The Inuit people of northern Canada provide an example of a traditional economy. For thousands of years, Inuit parents have...
Key Concepts: Demand, Economic Systems, Goods and Services…

Okun's Law

The students sharpen their graphing skills by interpreting the relationship between changes in the unemployment rate (%) and real GDP....
Key Concepts: Employment and Unemployment

The Family Vacation

Students will take a surprise trip around the world. As they travel, they will use clues to discover where they...
Key Concepts: Foreign Exchange, Money, Trade, Exchange and Interdependence

Cowboy Bob Builds a Community

A cowboy rides into a ghost town and decides that it needs to be rebuilt. Students will select the necessary...
Key Concepts: Roles of Government

Jobs: Who Needs 'Em?

In this lesson, students will look at the importance having some kind of job. At early ages they sometimes get...
Key Concepts: Employment and Unemployment, Trade-offs among Goals

Funny Money or Phony Money?

Money is what we use to show what goods or services are worth. When you do work, you are paid...
Key Concepts: Markets and Prices

Transportation: They Say We Had a Revolution (Part 3)

Advancements in transportation have played a key role in the growth of our nation. U.S. government policies have also had...
Key Concepts: Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments, Business Costs and Revenues, Economic Systems…