Grades 9-12
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Students will be able to accurately graph changes in supply and demand curves.
In this economics lesson, students will use a yarn manipulative activity to accurately illustrate changes in supply and demand curves while practicing graphing skills.
Review supply and demand determinants with your students. This lesson is meant to be used as a review of determinants and for students to practice graphing supply and demand.
Explain and demonstrate the procedure for the “string graphs.”
Distribute one laminated graph, one blue piece of yarn, and one red piece of yarn to each student or pair of students.
Display Slide 2. Based on that scenario each student will decide if demand or supply is impacted and place the appropriate color yarn where the new line would be located.
Practice graphing using the Scenarios on Slides 3 and 4. As the students are placing their yarn on the graph, the teacher will circulate around the room answering questions. After all of the students have placed their yarn on their graph, the teacher will read the scenario again and ask the class which line moved. After verifying the correct answer, the teacher will ask why that line moved? What determinant caused the line to move? What happened to price? Quantity? This process will be repeated with each of the scenarios.
Individual practice
After class discussion of all of the string graph scenarios, students will complete the Individual Student Practice activity.
Display Slides 6- 10. Have students record their answers on an exit slip or use these questions as short quiz.
Grades 9-12
Marginal Revolution University
Grades 9-12
Grades 9-12
Grades 9-12