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Buying a Home

This lesson uses a Better Money Habits video to help students compare the costs of renting or buying a place...
Key Concepts: Budgeting, Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis

Creating a Financial Safety Net

This lesson uses a Better Money Habits video to explain why creating an emergency fund is important, especially when confronted...
Key Concepts: Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments, Budgeting, Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis

Meeting Financial Goals

In this lesson, students learn several basic steps to help them understand the importance of saving to meet future personal...
Key Concepts: Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments, Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis

Debit Cards vs Credit Cards

Using a Better Money Habits video, this lesson introduces students to the advantages and disadvantages of using debit cards and...
Key Concepts: Credit, Debit Card, Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis

How Does Your Family Save?

This lesson uses a Better Money Habits video to discuss a family's regular shopping habits. 
Key Concepts: Consumers, Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis, Wants

Who Decides Wage Rates? | Lesson Demo

This video models Lesson 13 from CEE's High School Economics publication in the classroom. It discusses lesson objectives and provides...
Key Concepts: Budgeting, Demand, Division of Labor/Specialization…

Taxes and Income

This interactive can be used to review progressive, regressive and proportional taxes. Refer to the Math in the Real World...
Key Concepts: Income Distribution

Unemployment Survey Lesson Demo

In this economics lesson demo video, teachers will learn how to model Lesson 18 from CEE’s High School Economics publication. 
Key Concepts: Employment and Unemployment

Productivity | Lesson Demo

This video models Lesson 8 from CEE's High School Economics publication. Students participate in a pizza production simulation to determine...
Key Concepts: Demand, Goods and Services, Productivity…

Nearpod version available

Rates of Change

In this personal finance lesson, students will analyze the relationship between differing costs using the concept of slopes.
Key Concepts: Business Costs and Revenues, Profit

Exchange Rates

Students describe and identify where certain items they own come from and the approximate price of these items. They learn...
Key Concepts: Depreciation of a Currency, Foreign Exchange