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Exchange Rate Calculator

Exchange rate calculator which displays the amount of expenses in USD Today and USD Two Months Ago. Students can use...
Key Concepts: Foreign Exchange

Nearpod version available

Deriving Marginalism

In this personal finance lesson, students will make a connection between derivatives and marginalism.
Key Concepts: Business Costs and Revenues, Profit

Nearpod version available

Using Slope to Compute Opportunity Cost

In this personal finance lesson, students will investigate opportunity cost by using slope.
Key Concepts: Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis, Goods and Services

Income Distribution

Students create an income distribution for a fictitious country to learn about quintiles. The interactive calculates the median and mean...
Key Concepts: Distribution of Income, GDP, Income Distribution

Nearpod version available

When Graphs Mislead Us - Analyzing GDP

Students practice interpreting and drawing GDP graphs as they analyze why some data can be deceiving.
Key Concepts: Economic Development, Fiscal Policy, GDP

Nearpod version available

How Expensive are Payday Loans?

In this personal finance lesson, students will learn how a payday loan works.
Key Concepts: Credit, Interest

Nearpod version available

Break-Even Analysis

In this personal finance lesson, students will use breakeven analysis formula to analyze investment options.
Key Concepts: Business Costs and Revenues, Goods and Services, Profit

Nearpod version available

Earning Credit

In this personal finance lesson, students will learn to compound interest and amortization to calculate the cost of a car.
Key Concepts: Credit, Interest, Risk and Return

Is the traditional taxicab an endangered species?

Increasingly popular ride-sharing services have attracted customers at a rate that some say endangers the cab industry. Economics correspondent Paul...
Key Concepts: Business Costs and Revenues, Demand, Elasticity of Demand…

"The Giver": Jonas Makes a Choice

Jonas, a twelve-year old, lives in a seemingly perfect futuristic world. His community protects him from all harm and in...
Key Concepts: Choice, Credit, Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis…

Could Brooklyn hipsters help save the middle class?

Frozen ginger slushies, tea-based pro-biotic drinks, a bed bug-killing steam machine -- these are just a few of the locally-grown...
Key Concepts: Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis, Division of Labor/Specialization, Entrepreneurs…

Pop Goes the Housing Bubble

In this lesson, students will learn about a speculative bubble within the context of the U.S. real estate market.
Key Concepts: Asset, Borrow, Credit…